mardi 26 avril 2016

ShimStar : Poc Unity

I made a poc with ue4, and it appears that, from my mind, ue4 is a great tool.
But it is heavy... and for my purpose, I wonder if it is not something to huge to use, for such a game I am doing.
The editor runs down my laptop, compilation time from C++ is very long, and there is a huge orientation to character use, and fps.
But the community is very good, and it was a pleasure to work with such people.

I am trying for weeks unity, and my first opinion is it less matur, not totally finished, UI is not so good, and community is not very good. I think there are lot of amateur, and it is hard to have good answer, and when I ask about technical stuff it is quiet hard to have answer.
But unity is liter, but powerfull... and for the moment, I can reproduce lot of thing from ue4 in unity, and an easier way.

I think you have to program more, but it is c# so more convenient, and faster to compile and to test.

For the moment, I am trying, and see what I can do, and I will try to find the limit... but I am quite happy of unity.

I repeat, UE4 is wonderfull... just too much heavy for me:p

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